
My current fascination with Edward Cullen

I'd heard of Twilight. We all have. I saw the trailer, decided that I might go see it. Then, one fateful Tuesday (about two days ago), my dear friend Monica came into school and grabbed me, exclaiming that she had just read a really good book. Apparently she had stayed up till 2AM and read it in one sitting. Twilight.

Seeing as I'm a regular on JBF.com (a Jonas Brothers fansite, to those not in the know - yes, I really am that cool), I'd noticed that a lot of people were/are in love with Edward Cullen. Mon got me hyped up about it, brought it in for me the next day and I've been hooked ever since. I mean, WOW. I even downloaded Clair De Lune by Debussy. And I love it.

I got my hands on the second book, and the third & fourth are in the school library. Can't wait till it comes out over here; 19th December. Although it's already been decided that me and Mon are going to see it on Boxing Day together.

Seriously, though. How much do you want to be Bella? OK, maybe aside from the uber clumsiness (amusingly enough, I'm reminded of Joe Jonas at this point, and any JoBro fan will know why). Ahh, such a wonderful book. When I should be organising my art portfolio for university interviews over the next two weeks, I'm reading Twilight.


  1. I still think that "Twilight" is just blah. Its okay whilst your reading it, but it you really sit back it's not really that well written. It's like candy floss. Good whilst your eating it, but once you finished you're like "Hm, that probably wasn't very good for me."

  2. is it okay that bella is the LAST person that i want to be? i actually kind of despise her.

    however. that edward cullen. amazing.

  3. Aye Katie. I read Twilight. Though, I'm not really that into Edward. He's just blah. Boring. I don't know why. He's just not that intriguing [yes, I know it's spelled wrong. I'm just too lazy to go ask my dad]So, see ya soon on JBF.

    ={) <--- little dude w/ a moustache!

    - Luna

  4. See, it's not so much BELLA, as BELLA'S SITUATION. Of course, there are a lot of things I'd do differently, myself. Firstly, I'd tell Edward to piss off; if I want to go see Jacob then I'll go see Jacob. AND there'd be none of that self sacraficing thing. I'm far too selfish. Haha, which would probably mean Edward would be like "Yeah... No. Not having her." And when he left like in New Moon, I'd SO not be sitting around, like a zombie. I'd be like WELL SOD YOU, MR CULLEN. I'LL GO HAVE MY OWN LIFE! And just to get back at him, I'd get a boyfriend or something. Maybe even leave Forks. It sounds boring anyway. I mean, she could be ANYWHERE in America. If I lived in America, it so wouldn't be in the Olympic peninsula.
    But I keep having dreams where I'm a vampire. It's getting really annoying now. I'd prefer to go back to my dreams where Nick J and I would drive a car away from crazed zombies, only to crash into a house and have Joe J get into an argument with me. Then kiss me better. YEAH, I actually had that dream one time. Good stuff.
    I should clarify that. Hahaha.
    Mmm, but Rob Pattinson is WELL fit.
